by Louise Engel | Feb 25, 2016 | Eco-friendly, main blog display, Vineyard Management
The increased exposure to the sun helps the grapes to produce more of the flavour compounds that are important to wine quality. As well, removing grapes leaves in this area allows the morning dew on the grapes to dry more quickly, with the result that harmful moulds...
by Louise Engel | Jan 25, 2016 | Eco-friendly, main blog display, Vineyard Management
Falconry at Featherstone by Louise Engel Falconry is the taking of wild quarry in its natural state and habitat, using trained birds of prey. Birds of prey are known as raptors. Raptors include eagles, hawks (accipiters, buteos), falcons, owls, and kites. Falconry...
by Louise Engel | Jan 23, 2016 | Eco-friendly, main blog display, Vineyard Management
Here are the Top Eco-Friendly Farming Practices at Featherstone Respect for the land is at the heart of making wine that is true to its soil and its site. In the give-and-take relationship between living soil organisms and plants, nutrients and minerals are exchanged...
by Louise Engel | Jan 21, 2016 | main blog display, Winemaking
Sparkling wines, like Champagne and Featherstone’s Cuvée Joy, get their bubbles by allowing the wine to ferment a second time in the bottle. This second, in-bottle fermentation produces carbon dioxide which is trapped in the wine and makes the wine carbonated or...
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